Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We caught two mice!

Without meaning to...

Here's my standard morning:
Groggily walk to the front door and let April out.
Turn on either kettle or coffee pot.
Go back, let April in.
Still groggy at this point.
Open door to garage.
While still standing on step, and without really looking, reach down, flip back lid and scoop out a cup of dog food for April, close door, dump food in her bowl, proceed to get ready for day.

Only this morning, when I went to scoop out the food, right as I put my hand halfway in the dogfood bin, I heard "scurry scurry meep meep" I hate to say it but I yelled like a girl. I'm not scared of mice, but when you're still half asleep, your defenses are down. Who ever got out food for Grape Ape last left the lid off, probably because it's almost empty. This is actually the second time we've had a mouse dive into the bin. There is no-way they can get out once they're in there. So it actually works great as a cruel free trap. They get to eat the last of the food, we cart them off and dump them in the woods. This time though, I didn't look in the bin. I left if for D to deal with - I got the last one. I called him at work today and he said it's actually two mice. Just field mice - huge big ears - really friggin cute. That's why I don't want to kill them. They only come into the garage in the winter.