Now back to our regularly scheduled puppies

Looks like he's ready for take-off. I took this last week when he was 5 pounds. I need to take a few more pics this week. He's already bigger than this.
We went to the vet Friday for his second vaccine shot. I hate these things but they're necessary. I don't like it though when they start pushing annual rabies vaccines and kennel-cough, etc. They don't need all of them and they don't need them that frequently.
Ned's been showing more and more personality. He finally barked at something. We took him over to meet Missy my parent's Boston terrier. Missy was actually afraid of him, but then she's literally passed out before from fright. In the end they played pretty hard for about a half hour before Ned passed out from being tired. He would bark at her thought to get her to play back or wrestle with him. It's pretty funny, it's a tiny little bark. We're not encouraging it, because later that could come back to haunt us. But a little bit is cute. Last night he played hard for a long time. When it came time to put him in his crate he just passed out. First night there was no crying. He did cry a bit when I got him up at 3 though. No accidents for a few days - housetraining is going great. Next week we'll probably start some basic leash training and 'sit/stay'. He's doing well with 'come'. Oh, and he seems to know his name!
My girlfriend brought her two girls up to see him over the weekend and they got a big kick out of it. They're slowly working up to getting a puppy soon.
What esle did we do last weekend?... Went out a bit Friday night for St. Patty's, but not long. Did stuff around the house Saturday and had a party to go to that night. It was fun. It was up at the cabins which is always a good time. oh, Sunday was bookclub. I had to hustle to get the friggin book finished Sunday before we left. It was fairly long and fairly dry. What made it worse was the end was boring compared to the beginning. Pretty bad when you consider it was a book about a hermaphrodite, and they only really talked about it toward the end. How do you make a hermaphrodite dull? But it was actually a really good book. Middlesex.
The best thing about the weekend though was we got the garden tilled by our neighbor. It looks great. I can't wait to start working in it, but since it's supposed to snow today, it might be awhile.
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