Thursday, February 10, 2005


I don't know why, but I've had a lo-grade headache for the past four days. I think it's all from tension in my shoulders and neck. And grinding my teeth. Need to go to the Chiro. My wrist has been killing me as well, so I'm wondering if it isn't all stemming from bad desk ergonomics. Maybe it's time to change up the cube. Although I thought I had my chair, etc set ok. Good news along that line is I'm finally getting a Wacom tablet (!). Nice big one too. Hoping that helps with the wrist tension.

I've had really crazy dreams lately, not sleeping good at all, and I think that's from the tightness in my shoulders and neck as well. It doesn't help that April snores pretty loud. So far I've dreamt my legs were caught up in snakes, which I don't mind, but I knew some of them were poisonous so I had to be careful. A friend's dad is in a horrible accident, his head and face smashed pretty bad, I was the first to tell her, and of course she's just sitting in her car along with the friend that is attached to her hip, smoking a cig and its not big deal. Frantically shopping in a store that had very little to choose from, and I HAD to buy something - like or else. I couldn't find anything l liked, then had to go back and look again. It was all older, older women's clothes, with lots of sequins. weird.