Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Not a lot going on really...

It's mid-January so life is pretty boring. I'm still going strong with my NY resolution to exercise more. I'm up to 2.25 miles. Still in line with getting back to a 5k by the end of the month. I feel so much better for it. Not sure if it's from the running or the stretching. The stretching feels oh so good after a long run. Well, I guess it's actually a short run. Been running on the WJU track for now. Helps to gauge how far I've gone. When I do get to 3 miles I'll hit the streets. Which hopefully will be before I hit one of the WJU track kids. Ok - I know it's THEIR college. But it never looks like an organized practice. We get there at 5:30 and they seem to be wrapping it up anyways. But they still give shitty looks to us for being near them. Run on the inside, they move to the inside, run on the outside, they move to the outside. And of course they're all 22 year old bean poles. Can't wait til they hit mid-30's and have to work at it. Punks. They only ones we like are the LAX boys. Always short and stocky, probably have a beer in their pocket. Always funny and chatty.

Going up to Pittsburgh after to work to hang-out with N. Haven't seen her since before X-mas. Really looking forward to it. We can bitch and moan to each other instead of our spouses. She hates her job and needs a new nanny, I'm bitter about fertility and not drinking. Won't we make a cute pair out tonight?

oh - went to the dentist yesterday. Went well, clean bill of teeth. Except for the crown I knew I needed. Damn it. Hate the idea of it. Hate the sound of the drill. I could deal with the pain, just not the sound. I swear it's worse. First time to this dentist. He's our neighbor and his wife is in bookclub with me. The nicest dentist office I've ever been to. SEE...this is how boring it is...I'm giving details on going to the DENTIST!!! Ugh!!

The end of January is the annual Ski-trip to Snowshoe. Looking forward to getting away. but not dealing with all the bickering that ensues. Just want to ski. Not fight about who gets what room. Grow up people.

Oh, had a lovely bit of a day-dream this morning at work. Noticed the cows at the stable had a photo-op in the paper. Said they've starting to lease horses. So I checked the sales online and they're selling a bunch of the summer trail horses off. Including the sweet little chestnut horse I really enjoyed riding. Only $1500!! LOVE to buy him. But the last thing I need realistically right now. But it is nice to day-dream about. This dream is ongoing along with what style and how big of a greenhouse I'll have one day.

That is something I'm looking forward to. Getting the garden started. Ordering the seeds/plants. Doing pre-season maintenance, etc. Can't wait for blue skies and sunshine alllll day until 8pm sunsets on the deck.

Well, that's about it. Nothing else toooo exciting going on. Maybe I'll post again this weekend when something happens. If anything happens.