Scarlet Tanager

Last night we had a nice relaxing evening. When I got home D was just finishing up washing his car. He fixed where I smashed it, and you can barely tell. Thank god he's handy. I changed clothes and we took Ned for a walk out the power line. When we got to the end we sat down and just took it all in and hung out a bit. Really glad we did - we saw a Scarlet Tanager and a Piliated. It's only the second Tanager I've seen. The red is just so bright, much brighter than a cardinal. Everytime I take a walk my thing is I like to think I'll see one thing that is special. A flower I hadn't seen before, a toad, a turtle, a cool the Tanager was my special thing for this walk. (ps...I did not take this picture, it's from google images, I didn't have my camera with me on the walk)
Later we made lettuce wraps for dinner, and sat down to watch 'Wedding Crashers". Yeah I know...we just don't watch a lot of movies. I thought it was funny, I like both of the actors, esp Vaughn, but I didn't think it was as funny as everyone went on about. I thought "Old School" was a lot funnier. But then I also thought "Life Aquatic" was hysterical. While we were watching the movie, I went to uncross my kegs and somehow smashed my toes into the coffee table. I swear my middle toe is broken. It's a lovely maroon color, and it hurts. really. bad. But you can't really do anything for a broken toe, so I'm just milking it for as much sympathy as I can for a day. Any longer than a day and it gets old.
Tonight we're going a charity event called "The Chef's Auction". Last year I couldn't take D, but this year we got enough tickets here at work for me to take him. It's a HUGE event here in Wheelville. Every restaurant in the Ohio Valley enters to compete to win this event. Tickets are really expensive, but you get free drinks, and all the food you can eat. Gourmet, top drawer eats. One restaurant serves lobster tail each year. The food is just so good it's amazing, all the restaurants pull out all the stops for it, and even decorate their booths, because that's judged as well. You see a lot of clients and people you know at this shindig as well, so it's a good time. Looking forward to it.
This weekend we've got lots of gardening to do. I didn't even get in the garden last weekend, so that is all I'm planning for Sat and Sun.
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