Thursday, August 11, 2005

Lots going on in life

Seems like a lot is going on right now. All of a sudden D has several new job leads. And they seem pretty good. Very excited for him. Even if one means he might live in DC for several months. But the pay would be worth it.

We're going to see Coldplay tonight at Starlake. I've been looking forward to this concert all summer. I've liked them for a long time and never been able to see them live. We're going up with a good group of people so it should be a fun time.

I got a library card last night. From the St. C Public Library. This is the library I grew up going to. Summer reading clubs and little tables with tiny chairs painted in primary colors. The first card I had there was a manila card with a metal plate that they had to put in a machine and run a carbon copy sheet over every time you checked out a book. My new card is a scan card that I can attach to my key-chain. Gone are all the huge wooden card catalog cabinets, now its a bench with a few computers. But this gave way to more room for comfy chairs and a coffee kiosk. I was searching for books on canning and gardening. We have that big, huge garden, and suddenly we have big, huge bugs eating everything. It's very upsetting. Stuff is dying by the day. And I'm trying to keep it an organic garden, so there is a very narrow guideline of what I can use to kill the bugs. Anyways, I got a dozen books. Love the library!

The past few evenings we've walked the mile or so out to our neighbor's farm. She (the crazy neigbor) had been out of town and asked us to check on the animals, count the sheep to make sure they were all there and hadn't been eaten by coyotes. They were all ok. We fed them apples. Not sure what we would have done if something HAD been eaten by a coyote. She said to make sure and check on "Lambchop" who was an older sheep. Lord, turns out Lambchop is the most arthritic sheep I've ever seen. Poor things front leg joints were so stiff and swollen she had such a hard time walking. She got a whole apple to herself each night. Makes me sad to see animals like that. But the horses were gorgeous. HUGE dark chestnut mustang came right up to me for an apple. His neck was thick like a Morgan's. Hoping to ride him.

Last night we vegged a bit in front of the TV. Nothing was on. We actually flipped back and forth between South Park - and Red Dawn. God was that an awful movie. So Pro-Gun. We kept going back to watch it because it was so bad. It was kinda funny that Spike TV kept showing pictures of the action figure toys made for the movie when it went to commercial.

Today we're getting the information for this year's ski-trip deposits. Seems odd that every August we start planning for a ski-trip, but this is the seventh year we've all gone. Although I'm hoping I have to sit in the lodge sipping cocoa and watch. Can't ski if you're pregnant. It should be interesting as the group has changed a bit. New people coming. I could care less that they smoke a shitload of pot, but I hate being around coke or people on it, and I have a feeling that may make an appearance. Although I'm sure it's been there before, I'm fairly naive sometimes when it comes to drugs.

I gotta get back to work, someone here needs their Jeep jumped. Dead battery.

Details on Coldplay tomorrow!