The Horse I Grew Up With

When we were in Roanoke in July I spotted this in the window of an antiques shop. One of those times when you get slammed with memories from you childhood in just a few seconds.
This is identical to a horse that was located outside of one of the grocery stores in the town I grew up in. I showed this to my parent's and they think it was outside of K's Foodland, but I think it was in front of Riesbecks Foodmart. I remember the color, the reins, the feel of the metal rivets which were diamond shaped. I rode this thing for hours. Mom would give me quarters and I'd sit on the horse while she shopped. I didn't even care if it actually moved, I just loved sitting on it and daydreaming I had a horse.
Side thought here - this was back in the days when you could leave your kid outside of the grocery store and not even think about someone snatching them.
Anyways, this just brought back a lot of memories.
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