Seaside Park, NJ

Our summer vacation this year entailed a lot of traveling. We visited friendsin Roanoke, then spent the Fourth in DC, then met the family at Dan's uncle's beach house at the shore. It was great to see everyone and get to relax a bit at the beach. It's taken me awhile to get used to "the shore" beach experience as opposed to the South Carolina beaches I'm used to going to with my family. But I've come to love it, and look forward to going there every year. (I still miss Myrtle though)
This year for something new, we took the ocean kayaks out into the bay. I really enjoyed it. What a great workout! I thought it was a lot of fun, I think D just did it to make me happy. I love going down to the beach really early before the crowds get in. Usually see some dolphins. I missed it, but a few fishermen said one morning they saw a whale moving down the shore, tail came up out of the water and everything! That would have been cool. I've never seen a whale in the wild.
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