Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lunchtime chat

At lunch today I actually got out of the office and walked around our sad little mall, looking at clothes, checking out prices, just escaping for a bit. As I walked into a shoe store to browse, my cell rings and its a girlfriend. She's out of town and having lunch with a client. A client whom apparently tried for 10 years to get pregnant and who's Dr. has come up with a medical miracle to cure "un-diagnosed infertility". So she, the girlfriend, thinks of me, calls me and then puts this woman on the phone to tell me all about what she went thru.

I know the girlfriend is concerned for us, and only did this out of the kindness of her heart. But it really pissed me off. This chic is telling me to get on the pill for three months, then go on Clomid, then after follicle scans do an in-home-insemination kit. IN-HOME?!?! This is what her Dr. has come up with on her own. How the f*%# does she know what my problems are? And she said everything preachy like I was an idiot. The kicker - "how old are you?" Almost 36. "Well, the older you are the harder it will be for you..." Yeah, no shit honey. They asked if I was writing all this down? "uh, no - I'm in the middle of a shoestore". She sounded put off - like why wasn't I writing down the secret to Col. Sander's Chicken Recipe? I said I was really glad they called - could they write it down so I could run it past my Dr. That would be great. She also offered to send down all the drugs she still had. !!!! It was a sweet offer because I guess they were really expensive drugs, but I don't like the idea. People taking each others Vicoden creeps me out. Oh, she also asked me if I was on clomid - no, I don't need it - I ovulate regularly. "But do you know that? Did they do tests?" & "oh, they just told you you don't need Clomid because some insurance doesn't cover it"..Uh no we're all out of pocket - I just don't need it. (at least not yet) It was just hard to justify to a perfect stranger over the phone what I'm doing. It's not like we're aren't already worried about everything to begin with.

I don't know how to balance this. On one hand I like to vent on my blog, but on the other hand, I don't want people discussing my fertility so perfect strangers can give me advice and talk to me like an idiot about my own issues.
And keeping in mind the friend who started this really was trying to help. It's just a touchy thing. Especially the week I'm trying NOT to think about it. OY!