Neddy Boy
I haven't talked about Ned much lately. He's been so good lately. He just has such a funny little personality. He's all grown now. After the holidays he needs to go and get snipped. We - I - keep putting it off, but it needs done now. I don't want him out making babies.
We've just about quit using his crate altogether. He hates it. It's the only place in the house he'll make a mess or have an accident. He sleeps with us at night now. HUGE mistake on my part, but at least he doesn't have an accident in the night now. We've kept him in the kitchen during the day a few times, and he's been an angel. Doesn't even get into the garbage. So I think that's it for the crate. Probably put it in the basement when we finish cleaning this week.
He's taken to burying things. It's his mission. Last night I couldn't find one of my slippers. Eventually found it when I went to bed - under the pillows. He buries things in corners, under beds, under blankets, in the dirty clothes basket, in closets. It's really funny to watch him. Used to he would let you watch, but now he's just like April, if he sees you watching him bury something, he picks it back up and moves it somewhere else. He has stuff buried all along the side of the house in the mulch. I think he goes out and checks it every morning.
He's also incredibly chicken-shit. Anything new - that wasn't there (anywhere) 5 minutes ago needs howled at. He freaked when D out a spot light in the yard to uplight our wreath. First he barked at the light, then he stood and howled at the wreath itself. D cut up some fallen trees at the edge of our yard, Ned flipped out and went and howled at them. He hates the laundry baskets. He was in the basement once when one of us rolled one down the steps, he's hated them ever since. Slinks out of the room when we fold clothes.
He licks. A lot. He licks so much he gets lazy and stops mid-lick with his tongue still on you, stuck on you, then he gradually pulls his tongue off. He likes to sleep on your head. Like right across your face or neck. You have to roll him off.
We took him to Roanoke with us and he had a great time with the dogs there. Here are a few pics of Ned from the trip....
We've just about quit using his crate altogether. He hates it. It's the only place in the house he'll make a mess or have an accident. He sleeps with us at night now. HUGE mistake on my part, but at least he doesn't have an accident in the night now. We've kept him in the kitchen during the day a few times, and he's been an angel. Doesn't even get into the garbage. So I think that's it for the crate. Probably put it in the basement when we finish cleaning this week.
He's taken to burying things. It's his mission. Last night I couldn't find one of my slippers. Eventually found it when I went to bed - under the pillows. He buries things in corners, under beds, under blankets, in the dirty clothes basket, in closets. It's really funny to watch him. Used to he would let you watch, but now he's just like April, if he sees you watching him bury something, he picks it back up and moves it somewhere else. He has stuff buried all along the side of the house in the mulch. I think he goes out and checks it every morning.
He's also incredibly chicken-shit. Anything new - that wasn't there (anywhere) 5 minutes ago needs howled at. He freaked when D out a spot light in the yard to uplight our wreath. First he barked at the light, then he stood and howled at the wreath itself. D cut up some fallen trees at the edge of our yard, Ned flipped out and went and howled at them. He hates the laundry baskets. He was in the basement once when one of us rolled one down the steps, he's hated them ever since. Slinks out of the room when we fold clothes.
He licks. A lot. He licks so much he gets lazy and stops mid-lick with his tongue still on you, stuck on you, then he gradually pulls his tongue off. He likes to sleep on your head. Like right across your face or neck. You have to roll him off.
We took him to Roanoke with us and he had a great time with the dogs there. Here are a few pics of Ned from the trip....
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