Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Good Day

I was in such a grump mood this morning - for no real reason. Just grumpy. (Ok - actually it has all to do with ovulating and trying to read a stick with two purple lines and I somehow can't get it to work with me but I don't want to go into details about my ovaries again) On my drive to work I did what I usually do to try to alleviate this - I did my mental prayer list. This is when I go thru and thank god for everything in life. God existing or not, it helps me realize all the things I'm happy for and to not take for granted. My health, my mind, my family, my love, the blue sky, my friends, my dog, the good movie we saw the night before, my ability to say a prayer, and on and on. I almost always come out of it feeling better. And this morning it helped. Then I find out some really good work news, even better. So the day that started out gloomy, became a good day. I even had a friend line up a comment that just NEEDED me to make a sarcastic yet funny remark to. I love that. Oh - AND it's payday! Just keeps getting better.

About that movie. We are really behind with watching movies, so don't mock. We watched "Garden State" last night. What a great movie. Simple plot done well. Something about it had a "Lost in Translation" feel to it. D - who didn't want to watch it because he knew nothing about it, really liked it. Natalie Portman was perfectly wacky -yet you've met someone like her at some point in life. She is so good in this I actually want to see "Closer" now. I already liked Zach Braff from "Scrubs". He just seems like such an honestly GOOD person. Sooo damn sweet. Duh funny, but he's a talented actor and director, and writer. Check it out if you haven't already.