Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Specialist

Since the required two months of "we think you just have bad timing, try two more months" have passed that my Dr. said needed to before I called her again, I called yesterday. After talking to the Office nurse (the Dr's sister) who would then relay info to the Dr, then get back on the line, about 3 times, the Dr finally got on the line and said, "why don't we just put you on some Clomid and see what happens"...I said "uh, you mean without any tests or anything? I haven't even had any blood work done...?" More blah,blah from her followed by, "the one side effect is you might get twins with this - you know that right?" Ok - that's NOT the only side effect, this is a massive drug that gives you hot sweats, swelling all over, and horrible mood swings. But hey - I might get twins. Apparently she didn't like my tone or that I questioned her, so she said, "You know what, why don't we just send you to Pittsburgh". Thank God. All the arrangements have been made and I go see a specialist in July. (which could cost anywhere from $80 - $500 out of pocket hopefully this will be worth it and we'll get some answers, even just having someone sit down and talk with us will be nice) I am really looking forward to it, helps raise the spirits a bit.