Happy Birthday to Moi!
Today I turn 36.
I've been dreading this for a year. 36 is the year all the fertility books, etc list as a turning point. So I thought I'd be really miserable today. But I'm not.
The thing is, I still get excited about birthdays like I was 12. It never gets old. I can't wait to see what I'll get. Even if it's a book or a bar of soap. Birthday to me is BIRTHDAY. It was too ingrained into me as a kid. Like Pavlov's dog. Birthday equals sugar and happiness. I have a feeling I'll be this way about my 67th birthday as well.
I could be down about being 36 and still baby-less. And maybe tomorrow I will be. But today I'm in a really great mood with lots to me happy about. Here, let me list them:
• This month includes; a trip to Louisianna, Oglebayfest, my b-day, Girls wknd in Easton, Lost premiere, X-Men DVD release, bonfires, Halloween, pumpkins, tree colors change, fall walks
• I still don't look my age - more important every year
• My husband is my best friend
• Little man Ned - always makes me laugh
• I have a wonderful family
• diggin my new Yoga class
• feeling upbeat about Accupuncture/T. Chinese Medicine appointment
• I have wonderful friends
• I have a great job
• I have an awesome house
• my beat up Rodeo kicks butt in 4wd
• Fall colors are wonderful this year
• my 7 homegrown pumpkins
• mulled wine
• going out to dinner for my B-day with friends tonight
• Lost Wednesday
• Girl party Thursday
I've been dreading this for a year. 36 is the year all the fertility books, etc list as a turning point. So I thought I'd be really miserable today. But I'm not.
The thing is, I still get excited about birthdays like I was 12. It never gets old. I can't wait to see what I'll get. Even if it's a book or a bar of soap. Birthday to me is BIRTHDAY. It was too ingrained into me as a kid. Like Pavlov's dog. Birthday equals sugar and happiness. I have a feeling I'll be this way about my 67th birthday as well.
I could be down about being 36 and still baby-less. And maybe tomorrow I will be. But today I'm in a really great mood with lots to me happy about. Here, let me list them:
• This month includes; a trip to Louisianna, Oglebayfest, my b-day, Girls wknd in Easton, Lost premiere, X-Men DVD release, bonfires, Halloween, pumpkins, tree colors change, fall walks
• I still don't look my age - more important every year
• My husband is my best friend
• Little man Ned - always makes me laugh
• I have a wonderful family
• diggin my new Yoga class
• feeling upbeat about Accupuncture/T. Chinese Medicine appointment
• I have wonderful friends
• I have a great job
• I have an awesome house
• my beat up Rodeo kicks butt in 4wd
• Fall colors are wonderful this year
• my 7 homegrown pumpkins
• mulled wine
• going out to dinner for my B-day with friends tonight
• Lost Wednesday
• Girl party Thursday
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