Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekend Highlights

Had a relaxing weekend. Hauled more wood around the property after D cut more down with the chainsaw. (thing scares me) Cleaned, went to Pittsburgh Sat afternoon and had lunch at a bar with friends, did some bills, cooked, laundry, vegged a good bit. Sat. night we tried to get drunk while we played Yahtzee, but Saving Private Ryan came on and we kept stopping to watch. I'd never seen it. (I know, I know) Everytime I wanted to rent it, D said it was too depressing. We watched the entire movie and it stayed with me the rest of the weekend. Sad. Awful. And made me think a lot of the comparisons of that war with what is currently going on in Iraq.

Sunday we had a fight about laundry (I don't know if I've mentioned that I suck at it) so I got a lot done on a mural project I'm trying to get done for Thanksgiving. We did make-up, but only after he had ironed all his shirts himself (and I'll probably re-do. I can iron)