Monday, January 23, 2006


This being the year of 35 (ok, I'll turn 36, but for the majority of the year I'll be 35) I figured I better start looking into those "anti-agin creams". Luckily I have my mom's great complexion ad I never smoke. I really don't have any wrinkles yet - knock on wood. I do always use moisterizer in the am with an SPF. I like Olay products, so I signed up on their site to have a bunch of diff samples sent to me. So far I've only tried the "Regenerist Anti-Aging Firming Night Cream". For 3 nights. This morning a woke up and have a pebbley rash alll down my cheeks, down my neck and across my forehead. Lovely. Pitched that sample. Now afraid to try to the others. Maybe I'll just drink more water instead. And take my vitamin.