Friday, December 03, 2004

Weekend Plans

• Buy a Christmas tree. Hope to get a live one this year so we can plant it on the property somewhere. I love doing this, to me it's a huge event. (Kinda how my folks are about the turkey)

• Cut down several dead trees around the house. We had a huge windstorm the other day and are lucky nothing crashed into the house. D is getting all the guys together before football on Sunday to play Rural Woodsman and cut trees down. Most worrisome being the huge dead Cherry tree right next to our bedroom window. I'm getting away for this - the idea of them all standing around with chainsaws freaks me out. I'll annoy then to death with my comments of worry.

One a totally different note…I was surfing around a college website in Pittsburgh looking for info to use to create spec art for a Account Exec to pitch, when I stumbled across this Graduate degree. I’ve always wanted to get a Masters, but an MFA never seemed like it would do much good at the other end of it, career or salary wise. But this really interested me. And the branch campus it’s offered at is somewhat convenient. Mulling this around overnight made me start thinking again about career, etc. And also, I’m starting to think that I’m happiest when I have the most to do. More productive in life in general when I’m constantly busy. I’ve had over a year now of getting home early, fairly stress free life, great job albeit not taxing design wise. And of course this doesn’t include the baby plan currently in progress. Just every so often I get wanderlust about life. How do people live in the same place at the same job for 25 years?