Friday, February 25, 2005


Why does water having a calming effect? (tsunami's not included) There's a small pond I pass as you leave our neighborhood. No matter the time of year its a pretty blue. I believe it's fed by a natural spring. It rarely freezes, and there's usually a few mallards in it. Today I was thinking I'd love to sit on a bench and just watch the pond for a few hours, how peaceful that would be. Then I wondered, why did I think that? Just because it's water? But then, I love the beach and listening to the ocean, rainstorms, waterfalls. We're always saying the one thing our property is missing is a pond or a stream. I really want to put in a small pond in our backyard somewhere. And I love swimming pools and baths. I love our great big deep jacuzzi tub. Major selling point for me of the house! Alright then, guess I like water.

Looking forward to the weekend. Busy week. I still need to update my bookclub blog, we met for the first time last Sunday to discuss a book and it went really well. Loads of fun and great discussion. Tonight I'm having a sleep-over at my girlfriend's in Pittsburgh. Her husband is out of town and I'm going up to help her hang shelves and pictures. He's not so handy at stuff like that. Plus I get to hang out with her two adorable little girls. Saturday night is a dinner party at one of D's co-workers. He said they've got "Scene-It" which is the MOST fun board game I've ever played. SO much fun, movie trivia with an interactive DVD. I am way too competitive, so I'll have to tone it down around his co-workeres. We might also go skiing Sunday as we've now got about 5" of snow.

The week is ending on a good note. I haven't yelled at any agencies and we just got checks from corporate for profit sharing. Nice.