Monday, January 23, 2006


At lunch today I had to run through the bank drive-thru. While I was sitting there waiting, a car drove up to my left. It was a beat-up, piece of crap Geo Tracker. The entire passenger side door was missing. It was in the hi-30's today, so it was a bit chilly to be doorless. The guy driving it, was talking to someone on one of the nicer, flashier Blue-Tooth ear-phones. Granted, it might have been a work supplied phone. It was just one of those images that didn't mesh.

Something to keep in mind...people always rag on WV for having hillbilly trucks. A car like this HAD to be from Ohio. They don't have vehicle inspections, so you can drive a car on the highway that is literally held together with bailing twine. Meanwhile in WV you have to get your vehicle inspected annually, and pay a fine if caught without an inspection sticker.

Might be a good idea for me to get mine. It was due in October.