Monday, October 16, 2006

1st visit to the Accupuncurist

So I went to the accupuncturist for my first appointment this morning. It went really well. (I guess, considering I've never been) Met the Dr. Very nice. She's from China, has an accent, but not strong. We got along very well. She was super sweet. We talked about everything I've been doing. She seemed to focus on the fact that I was on the Pill for over 10 years. That my body's never got back to a healthy norm after that. She said she's had about 10 women come in for Fertility problems - 6 of which got pregnant. Several had already done IUI's and IVF.

She went over all the notes I had to fill out, then looked at my tongue (said it looked good) then asked if I liked cold or hot foods, and took my pulse, several times from both wrists. Then came the needles. For this first time I layed on my stomach. I had 17 - 20 needles I'd say. She started with one on the top of my head. She said to help my stress. (I'm thinking it better be a huge needle.) As she went along she would ask each time if it hurt. I couldn't feel them go in - except for one on my back that really pinched. After a few minutes it went away. Even the ones she put between my toes didn't hurt. I layed there for aboiut 10 minutes with a heating lamp on me. Then she came in and I guess twisted the needles - said she was stimulating them. She did that one more time. It didn't hurt. Then she came in and showed me what she was going to do next. She had what looked like a packet of gum, the sealed kind you pop out, but instead of gum it looked like individual packaged round seeds. Smaller than a bb pellet. She peeled each one off and stuck it in my ear. She said to tell her when it was tender. She put four of them in. They're to keep pressure on certain points constantly. I'll keep them in for 5 days. It's just one ear. Next week it will be the other ear, and they'll stay in for 7 days. You can't really see them, and I can't feel them.

I'll go back once a week. For this month, I'm just going to do this. Next month I'll combine this with another IUI cycle. I don't know why, but doing this makes me feel good. Like I'm taking control of it, even if it's just a bit. Instead of going to the Dr, getting scans, getting a shot, doing a procedure and waiting. With this I can read about it and understand it, and work on my diet, mental state, do exercise and yoga. Hopefully it will all come together.

Oh, Here is the book I've been reading:
Fertility Wisdom