Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ride With Pride evening

I've mentioned previously that I've started volunteering at the stable nearby. So far it's been a great gig. I'm really enjoying it. Being around horses again has felt pretty natural. I knew it was something I was good at as a kid/teenager, but it's been ages since I've done anything horsey, wasn't sure how I'd take to it again.

Last night was the orientation night for a 6 week program at the stables called "Ride with Pride". Horrible hokey name, but it's a good cause. 8 children with various handicaps have been chosen to take part. The idea is that horseback riding helps with muscle development, behavior skills, etc. The children weren't there last night, it was just an overview of what we're to do. Things like lead the horses, stand on either side of the child to help/hold them up. The people that are running it are an odd bunch, but I can't wait to see what it's like when the children are there next week. Most of them have cerebal palsey, and have done the program once. Apparently they showed huge advances from the program.

Toward the end of the evening D showed up. He stopped by to see the stables and see what I've been doing and tallking so much about. D is so not "horsey". To him horses are very large animals that can probably hurt you if they wanted to. But I was so happy he showed up and got to meet the girls I work with and the horses. After their workout the horses needed put out in the field for the night. One of the girls gave him a horse to lead out with me. He was a bit hesitant, but did great. Funny bit was right as we walk out of the stable, I was leading Dexter, a big palomino, a bat flew by and spooked him. He half reared up and kicked. It only lasted a second and I was perfectly fine, but I think it spooked D more than Dexter. The good thing about it was that it was another example of me being ok with the horses that the owner saw, hopefully giving me more crediblilty. Oh, except he did step on my foot and it hurts today. Need to get some boots.