Thursday, May 19, 2005


Last night's episode was freaking incredible. I was tired after watching it from being so hyped up and trying to keep track of everything. This is the only tv show I have ever wanted to buy the DVD for. Next week is the two hour season finale. I'm actually looking forward to it much more than Star Wars. If you haven't gotten sucked into this how I highly recommend watching it from the beginning over the Summer if they show it in repeats.

In other news, our one odd neighbor who owns the donkeys and ponies that are always getting lose, was riding by on her mare last night while we were working in the garden. Not only did she offer lettingus use her truck to haul manure over to our garden ( yes - this is actually a good thing) but she said I can come ride anytime I like!!! - yay!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Work has been really busy. We're getting a smartboard - an electronic billboard and there's a lot to do to prepare. Ups wing is I'm glad to be learning something new and I spent the day at the Pittsburgh office learning the product. Had a nice day in the city.

Life has been busy as well. I hosted a "Girl!" party Sunday. Had all my girlfriends over for food, drinks and games. I invited like 20 girls and almost ALL of them came. Crazy! It was a lot of fun though good food and gallons of sangria. I love hosting events! I even love getting ready for them because I usually use it as a booster to get a project done around the house. (got the master bath done this time) But I hate the initial start of the party when I'm still getting food out, introducing people, rushing around. It's not until the food is done that I get a chance to visit with people. We played pictionary and guesstures, and we all laughed our asses off. I don't actually own pictionary, so I have the peopel on each team write a person, place, thing, and movie on a slip of paper and stick it in a bowl. Then teams switch bowls. One team wrote easy stuff like "shovel", the other team - no joke - wrote the "Ayatollah Khomeni" down as a 'person'. We rejected that one. You can't expect someone to draw that. Especially when the person had NO IDEA who or what that was.

One of the funny stories from the party is that a girl we know who is crazy, totally crazy, has been saying she's in the bookclub and has several times used it to cut out of things. "oh look at the time, sorry I have to leave, gotta get to book club"... Or say she has to go finish reading her book before the next meeting. This is someone that wasn't even invited to be in the book club. Because she is nuts. I find this extremely funny.

In other news, our garden is close to being named ChimChim because it's such a freakin monkey on our backs. Why couldn't we put in a tiny cute little garden? ugh. Let see what else... my husband actually broke his chain saw from too much use. It even says on the owners manual "for occasional use only". They probably didn't mean everday for several hours a day. Lowe's let him return it and trade-up to a bigger model.

We've been told to keep on "trying" for two more months, then maybe we should call and maybe they'll get me in for some testing. That all pretty much sucks.

I love the Shuffle I won. I did start running again and it makes the time and distance go so much faster. I also started doing yoga again every morning. I still miss taking it from a class though.

I seriously need a vacation. I don't think I've gone on one since our honeymoon. Trips to the beach with family are not counted in on this. I need a few days somewhere, preferably sunny with my husband. Camping is ok, a hotel would be better. But I feel really burnt out.

Memorial Day weekend we have friends coming to stay and I am looking forward to that. Oh - before that we have our anniversary to look forward to next week. 2 years! I think we waiting to see Star Wars until then. Our movie theater FINALLY remodeled. Actually looking forward to movies now, where before it wa actually nicer to wait and see it on DVD at home.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Blurry Eyes

Wore my contacts to work today. I usually don't because it's difficult to stare at a screen all day with them in, but my glasses are so scratched it's getting hard to see through them. (need to buy new ones)

D got home around 10 last night, I ran around and cleaned the house and fixed myself up, and he was asleep half an hour after he got home. He was exhausted, but glad to be home. He took today off to recover and cut grass. He's obsessed with keeping the grass cut.

Looking forward to this weekend. It's supposed to be beautiful! Spend all day outside with him working on the garden. And running. I weighed my self and I've gained like 5 pounds. How the hell did that happen? That's it. I eat great, but I read somewhere that after 30 your metabolism slows down. Apparently mine did this week. So off to run the trails this week. And run and run. And off to buy a full length mirror too. Always helps to see what needs work.

Lots of people from work are all going to Happy Hour this evening. Should be fun! Apart from everything we need to cram into this weekend, also Mother's day, there's at least two movies I want to rent. The Life Aquatic fo Steve Zisou and National Treasure. I have a feeling I should just buy
Steve Zisou. Oh, and Million Dollar Baby is playing at the local trendy movie house. Decisions, decisions. AND I still have to watch the LOST episode I taped. i'll be lucky to get one watched!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I miss D

D comes home tonight, kinda late. Usually when he's out of town I don't mind because it's always great to have "me" time. But I really missed him this time. I can't wait for him to get home. The weekend is supposed to be warm and sunny so we can spend the weekend together outside. Sit out on the deck and drink. "Pin the Tail on the Ovule" didn't work again this month so I'm buying a nice yummy bottle of red wine for Saturday night. I'm hoping it helps rebuild red blood cells, I need it.

My iPod came yesterday! It's the size of a Bic Lighter - SO tiny.

Monday, May 02, 2005

I WON An iPod!!

Ok, so it's only a shuffle, and the smaller one at that - BUT I WON IT!! Yay!! I rarely win anything, and it's even better because this wasn't some random thing like scratch-off cards, I actually won something based on talent in my field.

Once a month my company has 2 contests for all the Art Directors to enter. One is based on a specific category and you can create spec art for it. The second contest is to help look thru the work we have actually created and narrow down entries for the annual Obie awards. (it's the national outdoor advertising equivalent of an Oscar) Anyways I won for this month's Obie trial.

What makes it even sweeter is my friend was just showing D and I the iPod she bought, we both loved it. This is something we never would have bought ourselves, and it'll be great for mowing the grass and working in the garden I'm supposed to be working on.

While the cats away...

While the cats away...D left Saturday evening for 5 days in Orlando. UGH!! Figures the day he left it was grey, rainy and 50 degrees. So wish I could have gone with him. He got to see my brother and his family Sunday at my nephew's baseballe game, and he'll get to have dinner with them one evening hopefully. Glad he's getting to spend time with them, just wish I could have made the trip.
While he's gone I'm trying to do lots of things around the house. I've re-organized the garage and put up new shelving and hooks, I'm painting the horribly dingy stairwell down into our basement, faux painting and decorating the master bath, hopefully starting in on painting our spare bedroom. I'll never get it all done, but at least it's all started. Notice I haven't mentioned the garden. Nothing like procrastinating one chore by doing another.

I like having some time to myself though. Every so often its good to have a break from each other. I can read in bed till I fall asleep with the light on, April has enough room so she actually sleeps with me, eat tuna melts or just grapes and cheese for dinner, and only use one plate all week. Stupid things but nice to do on occasion.

The weekend was nice apart from the weather. D and I had lunch at Salsa Cafe before we left, mango salsa is YUMMY there! I rode both mornings and did my usual helping out at the stable. Rode Joe both days. He's doing really well.

Sunday had dinner with my parents. Dad cooks a mean porkshop. My brother used to joke that was the worst thing mom cooked. She always got sidetracked and they ended up like shoe leather. Lasagna was always her specialty. I got it every year for my birthday. Actually, haven't had that in ages. Pasta being an evil carb and all that. Mom hasn't been feeling well. Super deep well of depression. The older she gets the harder the spells seem to hit and last. What she needs is sunlight, excercise and some socialization. They would at least help. But for now we're just hoping the new meds make her feel a bit better. She's reading what sounds like an interesting book by Rosalyn Carter about living with someone with mental illness. I might read it when she's done with it. If medical treatments in the world were free, I'd say that not only do the people that have depression need counseling, the people they live with do as well. But that will never happen. So I'm back to dropping April off at their house every morning for doggy day-care. At least this way I see them once a day, even if it means my dog gets fat from all the extra treats.