Friday, January 28, 2005

Driving through my neighborhood on my way to work...two ponies standing in my neighbors front yard. Just hangin out grazing. No idea who they belong to or where they're from. They must get bored at their house and go walk about or something.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

I have GOT to get back to work...

...but while I was here sitting at my desk eating my lunch and reading, I found this article on the Bloggies, which led me to this site, which led me to THIS site! Ohmigod how cool! You can virtually fly over the US. I don't know if it works on other countries, I don't have time now to check, but I did a screen shot of our house from satelite. I've tried to find it before on other sites, but our area was never listed.

When I have time I'll go back and read more about the Bloggies, in just a glance I saw a lot of cool stuff.

That's us by the arrow. At the end. The perfect lines are areas cleared for the power and gas lines

Catching Up

I've posted lots of pics from last weekend's snowfall below. Haven't had time to post til now as it's the end of the month and it gets so crazy at work with trying to make budget. Plus we're launching a new product and hosting our regional meeting next week. Both needing tons of materials created for.

Anyways, we of course didn't get anywhere near the snowfall predicted. I think we got 5-8 inches? But it was beautiful. Took a long walk out our ridge, then got the camera and went around to take a few pics to post. Stayed in, did house stuff, started sanding some doors, finished a book.

And then of course the Eagles won. I'm not supposed to watch, cuz I've been a jinx everytime I do so far, but I peaked a few times. D was so incredibly happy. Beyond words. Really. Now he's planning on going to Philly to watch the Super Bowl with friends in 2 weeks.

While he watched the game Sunday, my friend and I went skiing. The local park/resort/golf course recently re-opened their ski area. It had closed 7 years or so ago. It's about 3 miles from our house and super cheap. $12 to ski in the evening and noone was there. It was also 9 degrees. But we had a blast. She had never skiied before, but after 2 hours she was doing great! I was just glad to get a run in before our big trip to Snowshoe this weekend. More on that next time!

Fatty 1, 2 and 3 are back! Best fed squirrels in our neighborhood.
And yes, that is our Christmas tree. It gives the birds some protection.
A Junco (snowbird) in the foreground, cardinal pair by the tree.

These two deer have no fear of humans. You have to practically run at them for them to leave the yard. Damn things eat all my bird food. D got out his pellet gun to scare them off.

Male Cardinal. His girlfriend is blurred in the background, lower left.

Red Bellied Woodpecker. (not Red Headed)

Our driveway. 8 am, last Saturday during snowfall.

Old Farm Road off our driveway.

Access road on our property. We own to the left of it.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Darth Tater

Wow, the obvious that went undevleoped until now...

Fun with myths

Today is Friday, and I couldn't be happier about that. It's been a long week. I'm looking forward to the blizzard we're supposed to get Saturday. Anywhere from 3-8 inches of snow. I'm hoping we get snowed in. Take a long hike in the woods. Go sled riding. Go skiing. Make a fire and watch movies. Oh wait - I mean watch football. (Go Birds!!)

Since we live in the woods of WV I try to add bits of natural history to my blog here and there. Today I'm adding the bit about WV myths. The most famous being the "Mothman". Made even more famous by the movie. (which I quit watching the other evening, becuase I was getting freaked looking out our windows at night) My dad actually went through this town a day or so before the famous bridge collapse.

It also looks like we've got Big Foot. ( I like the name "Yeti" better. But I think that's it's Asian cousin) Notice the WV counties with sightings. We live in Ohio county. Marshall and Brooke Co's are near us. I'll keep an eye out for anything this weeend. (Snow makes tracking easier)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

F*cking Hell

Went to the Doctor today. I didn't realize I needed to be a chemist, mathematician, and incredibly wealthy just to get pregnant. Waiting to be respectably married with husband isn't always enough. "Keep trying and don't stress about it." Hearing this one more time will cause me to spontaneously ignite or cry. I need to find a 15 year old (no not boy, girl will do) currently enrolled in Trig to help me figure out dates and cycles. The only friggin time in my life I wish I could figure out what "x" really is. AAAaaaagggghhhh!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Yay for me! My book club finally met and I think it started off great. Nine girls showed up and we had a really nice time. I think we'll get anywhere from 8-13 girls at any time for the meetings. Everyone seems to like reading a wide range of books, so our discussions should get interesting. I'm looking forward to the March meeting.The girl hosting that month, her mother runs a tea room in a historic home and we'll meet there.

Totally different thought - I think I dreamt about my grandpa last night. I had really weird dreams, but it was basically my whole family together - like on a vacation. The vacation part was good, but then there was a lot of frantic running trying to get to the right gate at the airport, and I missed my flight. It was a restless sleep - maybe that's why I woke up with a cranking migraine. I can barely see to type! I don't care though - still in a great mood from last night. Happy me.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Lighten up already

Damn. I haven't posted anything funny or lighthearted in ages.

So here! I want more cow bell.

BookClub - Take Two

I knew it. It snowed 3-4 inches Sunday morning. The hill up to our house was treacherous. I had to cancel the bookclub meeting and re-schedule for tonight. The road is still too bad though, so we're meeting at the Alpha. (local pub) Sunday I actually couldn't get home for a few hours. Driving up the hill after going out for groceries, I watched as a 4WD bronco slid down the hill. Not at me, but right toward the area of the road being repaired- without a guardrail. I had to back down and wait a few hours for him to get clear, so I went and hung out with the 'rents for a few hours.

Nature note - There was a perfect heart shape in the fresh snow made by deer tracks. Perfect heart.

Friday, January 14, 2005

getting worked up

I know that I have a tendency towards OCD sometimes, nothing major, just little things - like making the bed every morning, putting everything away in the bathroom after getting ready in the am, making lists, lots of lists, not being able to start something until its organized, but - I don't have to turn the light switch on and off 12 times. Husband refers to it as "Monica"isms. But I think it applies to looking forward to things I'm planning. I get waaaay too worked up about things and my expectation level is always too, too high.

Take this Book Club I'm starting. I have expectations that it's going to be great. Lots of interesting conversation, meeting new people, laughing a lot, run smoothly, etc. I think I need to calm down. I have no idea if the girls that will show up will have one nit of conversation in their heads past their husbands or children, what if they all want to read Harlequin Romance? uuuugggghhhh.... Plus I'm starting it, I'm "running" it. Which means the whole time I feel I've got to be aware that I keep my inner bossiness lo-key. It's supposed to be fun and I could ruin it with a friggin list of rules and regulations. Which yes - I've started to write and deleted.

I know what I want this to be - all my girlfriends from far off getting together. Since I can't have that this is my way of "making do". I just have to keep in perspective that it won't be the same. I planned a "girls night" here when we first moved back to WV. Invited the local crew of girls. Of which 3 I think showed up. In the gist of the conversation I realize that they had all gotten together the evening before as well. I was pissed. After they left I BAWLED. Totally missing my close girlfriends. Well, that's a bit of sharing I usually don't do here. hhmm.

Oh well. Crossing fingers Sunday is a success.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Walk to work

I opened up the garage door this morning to take off, and looked up to see my neighbor walking along our access road. With a backpack and walking stick. I was like - "where are you going?". He said he walks to work! That's awesome. He walks thru the woods and down over the ridge to the water treatment plant along the river. (Our ridge is right above the Ohio River) He usually cuts thru his own woods, but it's so muddy he walks along the ridge top to the power access line and walks down. No wonder the guy looks so healthy. I'd love to be able to walk to work. Especially through the woods.

It's been crazy warm here lately. Last night D chopped wood in a t-shirt. It was 60 some degrees - and its January!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Fungus Fighter, Damn Smoker, Coffee Aisle

Vicks VapoRub
Here’s something I’d never heard before – apparently Vicks is a sure fire cure for toenail fungus. I have no idea how they got on the subject, but two girls I work with started talking about this yesterday. One had lost her big toenail when she broke her toe, and a year later it still hadn’t grown back because it became infected with a fungus. Her Dr. had said she could take an oral medication for a year (& risk liver damage), or buy an expensive topical medication. On her way out of the office the nurse mentioned to her to try Vicks. Apply it every night and cover with a bandaid. It worked within two months. I’ve read a couple other articles on the web about it – seems to work. So there you go – bit of health news.

Age & Smoking Politeness
My 70 yr old parents have had a family friend staying with them for the past two days. He’s about the same age. He smokes like a chimney! In. Their. House. This just blows me away. 1) That my parents who don’t smoke and just spent all of December cleaning their house allow it, even providing an ashtray. This is how submissive and aiming to please my parents are. They would never dream of offending this guy by saying go smoke on the porch. 2) That this guy thinks its ok to stink up my parents house. It reeks! I have nothing against smokers. My husband just quit for the 4th time – but he would never smoke in someone’s house. Noone I know in the 20-40 age bracket would even think of smoking in someone’s home. It’s got to be the age factor. This guy is from the era of giant ashtrays next to your desk at work.

Grocery Story
A friend called me at work to tell me this story as she was leaving Krogers. She was in the coffee aisle when this little old man stopped and asked her if she could tell him “what do you think my wife means by this? What is this?” pointing to the list his wife had sent him to the store with. She had written “Poise Pads”. Which are female incontinence pads. My friend turned beet red. So she tells him what they are, what aisle they’re probably in. Instead of being embarrassed himself – the little old guys is ticked off – “well why would she list it under coffee then!?”

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Gotta Love Nat'l Geographic

I've always loved National Geographic magazine. I've been getting it since I was in my 20's and every month I can't wait to rip off the shipping wrapper and see what the cover story is. I don't usually watch the National Geographic TV channel - but here's an interesting story on how watching NG saved the life of some of the tsunami victims.* Here's another I found interesting on how the animals behaved before the waves hit.

I've always wondered if April had it in her to warn me of impending danger or run for help if I needed it. I doubt it. She doesn't seem to react to much other than the word "food".

* note that even coming from a reputable source this smacks of urban legend

Monday, January 10, 2005

Can't Concentrate

at all today at work. I've checked my email a million times, read blogs, read the news, and keep reverting back to old travel bookmarks to look for a cheap warm place to go for a long weekend. Preferably someplace we can drive to with a beach we could camp at. I keep ending up looking around South Carolina. I buy into the hooey about Seasonal Affected Disorder - D gets it every year and so does my best friend N. They both bug out and should prob buy one of those UV lamps. But this year so far all I day dream about is green leaves and blue skies, birds chirping, and lots of sunshine. I could use a shot of sunshine in a big way!!

Met with a client today and was glad it killed an hour. Even if it was one more person who thinks the best way to sell something is to put their child on a billboard. ugh. Making a living does not equal creating good design. Unfortunately. Days like this I really need to clamp down on the sarcasm in the meetings.

My book club starts this Sunday
April got a bath
Another episode of 24 tonight
An hour and a half left of work today

Shoulder aches - need chiro
Need a haircut
Balanced my checkbook

Time to get organized.

We spent the majority of the weekend getting organized for 2005. How tedious. We cleared out our office closet and both went through several boxes of paperwork and junk we’ve accumulated over the years. File away all the bills, etc from 2004. It’s amazing how much stuff we threw away. The only plus side to it was finding old letters, photos, ticket stubs, etc. A lot of things from when we first started dating, things from when I lived with my girlfriend - the party flyers we used to send out, very nostalgic. Made me feel a bit old too though. The single life was 7 years ago. Where did the time go? Now instead of looking forward to the next party/weekend, we’re excited about the budget we put together that will pay-off our debt by October. Blech.

Highlight of the weekend was attending the President’s reception at WJU Saturday night. Nice to get all dressed up once in awhile. Lots of shrimp and drinks. Sunday spoke to my brother in Florida. He wants to know when we’re coming to visit. It’s been 80 degrees and sunny all week there. Not only are we really due for a visit with them, but sunshine and bright blue skies sound great right now. Just didn’t see that trip entered in the budget spreadsheet. Damn it.

Friday, January 07, 2005

2nd time in 4 months

I haven't posted for awhile because first we were away for New Years, then slammed with work upon returning. Meant to post and tell about our great weekend with friends in a cabin in Pa, followed by our car breaking down, being towed by a man with incredible butt crack and brown teeth, night in a hotel, stress from the whole event coupled with the enormous expense, but that news is now old news. Here's the new news...

The Ohio River is flooding again for the second time in four months. It's been raining pretty heavily while we were gone, and yesterday the river started to rise. 10 coal barges broke loose up river. It was crazy. 6 jammed against the dam, but 4 got through the locks and floated down the river. One slammed into the bridge which Interstate 70 goes over, the next missed it and the fourth just grazed the bridge. Highways were shut down everywhere. The horrible irony is that the rain has now stopped, today the river will crest 7 feet above flood stage and it's supposed to be sunny. The only good thing, if there is a good thing about floods, is that the September flood was a flash flood that meant many people were affected by creeks flooding. This time it's just the river and the major creek. Less people will be affected but still. So many people had only JUST started to get ahead of the clean-up and re-building from September. You feel so bad for them. Many people had to have their homes gutted. Two local business had just reopened this Monday after massive rebuilding. Four days later they are threatened to flood.

You wonder why they - they being the government I guess - continue to allow people to be helped with emergency funds to rebuild in the flood zones. Another sad thought, because so many in our area had just been hit by a natural disaster I think a lot of people had been doing relief drives, donating, etc for the tsunami victims relief. Now that will stop while we all focus on our area again. Luckily no lives have been lost. Sometimes living in this area is so miserable.