Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The 2005 DannOpen Recap

This past weekend was the 2nd Annual DannOpen. It was great! This year we had ten guys. This was the t-shirt logo this year. They also had their names on the back. Next year Dan suggested we wait til it's over and also add their score to the shirt. I think that would be excellent. They had a beautiful day for golf, many stories, a fav being someone hitting the same ball into the same tree three times in a row. We arranged to have a longest drive and closest to the pin contest. Next year we want to have prizes. I want to make it bigger every year, but still be lo-key. Like afterward it will always be beer and DiCarlo's at our house. I'm thinking of eventually inviting the wives, and arranging something for us to do, but I think the guys enjoy it more if it's a guys weekend. I stay as far out of the way as possible.
Teeing Off

He won the whole thing by shooting an incredible 73. At least I think that's correct. It could've been a 72. I think this was his lowest score ever. Made even more impressive by the fact that he didn't get rattled when his bag dropped off the back of the cart and broke his driver.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Devine Garden Update

Finally had a chance to take some pics of our garden. It's going great! It's been so much fun. Even more work, but it's been worth it. We're really started to get more veggies coming in now. Pretty soon I'll have to start canning and pickeling the cucumbers. Which I've no idea how to do. So I'll need to start looking into that. Recipies?
We've got loads of zucs, cucs and tomatos. Worried about the peppers. The snowpeas didn't do very good. Lots of lettuce still going. The corn looks great, just hope we get a good harvest from it. Already thinking about what to grow next year!
Lower left corner is the Eggplant. Lots of leaves, no eggplant so far. Also in the pic are broccoli, spinach, lettuce, tomatos, zuchini, watermelon and pumpkin. The pumpkin is the biggest plant. I shoved it in WAY too small a space. Which is why I had Dan build a trellis for it. Looks really cool. Have a few pumpkins started. Hopefully we'll have some in time for halloween.

Friday, July 22, 2005
Isn't that vierd?
Check out this idiot. I had heard this story on the news last night, but didn't pay too much attention to it. Then I found the Smoking Gun Mugshot on a friend's blog. This happened in Bellaire, Ohio. Normally called 'blaire, because people can't be bothered to say two syllables or as this fellow, no longer have the brain cells left to talk. Bellaire is a lovely hotbed of Meth labs as well. I thought Meth was cheap. Wouldn't a can of spray paint cost like $3? And, can you even imagine what this guys sinus cavity and lungs look like?
Check out this idiot. I had heard this story on the news last night, but didn't pay too much attention to it. Then I found the Smoking Gun Mugshot on a friend's blog. This happened in Bellaire, Ohio. Normally called 'blaire, because people can't be bothered to say two syllables or as this fellow, no longer have the brain cells left to talk. Bellaire is a lovely hotbed of Meth labs as well. I thought Meth was cheap. Wouldn't a can of spray paint cost like $3? And, can you even imagine what this guys sinus cavity and lungs look like?

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Heath Ice Cream
We had a very nice evening last night with my parents. Had a cook-out with hamburgers, hotdogs, tandoori kabobs and garden salad. With garden cucs. Instead of baking a cake, I wimped out and just bought Breyer's Heath Bar ice cream. We almost ate the entire carton it was so good! Much better than cake would have been.
Later went to the Alpha and met out a few friends I had emailed about Dan's birthday. The only girl that showed up was Jessie, love hanging out with her. She has a great laugh and is one of the funniest people.
I need to get bateries for my camera because the moon was amazing last night. Huge, full and bright yellow. Would have been a good photo.
Had my appointment this morning with the Dr. that is to be my "Personal Care Physician" what I like to call my "normal" Dr. She was awesome! She's my age, and she's been trying to get preg for five years. She actually has gone to the specialist I was to see in Pittsburgh. As we talked and I said I've had squat one test done, she recommended holding off on going to Pittsbugh just yet. She set me up with an appointment next Tuesday with a local Dr. obgyn that she goes to that she said is't a fertility specialist, but is really good, and can run the standard blood and hormone tests, etc here locally. It should save some money. Also, there's always a chance that he can help us, and we won't have to go to a specialist. That would be wonderful. Worrying about how we'd pay for all of the treatments is not helping the situation. Anyways, it was just nic eto go to a Dr. and have them actually listen and seem to care about getting me on the right track.
Later went to the Alpha and met out a few friends I had emailed about Dan's birthday. The only girl that showed up was Jessie, love hanging out with her. She has a great laugh and is one of the funniest people.
I need to get bateries for my camera because the moon was amazing last night. Huge, full and bright yellow. Would have been a good photo.
Had my appointment this morning with the Dr. that is to be my "Personal Care Physician" what I like to call my "normal" Dr. She was awesome! She's my age, and she's been trying to get preg for five years. She actually has gone to the specialist I was to see in Pittsburgh. As we talked and I said I've had squat one test done, she recommended holding off on going to Pittsbugh just yet. She set me up with an appointment next Tuesday with a local Dr. obgyn that she goes to that she said is't a fertility specialist, but is really good, and can run the standard blood and hormone tests, etc here locally. It should save some money. Also, there's always a chance that he can help us, and we won't have to go to a specialist. That would be wonderful. Worrying about how we'd pay for all of the treatments is not helping the situation. Anyways, it was just nic eto go to a Dr. and have them actually listen and seem to care about getting me on the right track.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
No Spoilers
I finished reading "Half-Blood Prince" last night. Ended up laying in bed with tears running down my face. It was one of those reads where you can see you only have so many pages left, and you're racing to see what happens, but you don't want it to be over yet. I'll just say that I can't see how they can make the movie of this one and it not be PG-13.
I was listening to this show on NPR on my way back from lunch. They were discussing this book. Never heard of it, but I think it's a show on Sci-Fi. Might check it out.
I met the birthday boy for lunch and TacoHell. Then went over to Lowe's to check on the big tractor he's been wanting. We were standing around looking at it, waiting for the 17 yr old clerk to come help us. We walked away from it for 2 minutes and walked back, a different 17 yr old was walking towards it with a for lack of better word, redneck, and said - i just sold it to this guy. Now, either the guy had also been looking at it, or he just said I'll buy it real quick so we couldn't get it. So we went to look at the new tractors. That one had been reconditioned. Wouldn't ya know it, as we were watching, they couldn't get it started. Sucks to be you buddy. Thanks for testing it for us.
I was listening to this show on NPR on my way back from lunch. They were discussing this book. Never heard of it, but I think it's a show on Sci-Fi. Might check it out.
I met the birthday boy for lunch and TacoHell. Then went over to Lowe's to check on the big tractor he's been wanting. We were standing around looking at it, waiting for the 17 yr old clerk to come help us. We walked away from it for 2 minutes and walked back, a different 17 yr old was walking towards it with a for lack of better word, redneck, and said - i just sold it to this guy. Now, either the guy had also been looking at it, or he just said I'll buy it real quick so we couldn't get it. So we went to look at the new tractors. That one had been reconditioned. Wouldn't ya know it, as we were watching, they couldn't get it started. Sucks to be you buddy. Thanks for testing it for us.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I had to drive D to work today as the Saab is still ailing. I suddenly realized as he got it that I couldn't remember what day it was, and his birthday was near. Shit - what day is it? Whew! His birthday is tomorrow. Luckily. Shopping today at lunch. My dad's b-day is Thursday, so we're having a cook-out with the folks tomorrow night. Hope it doesn't rain. I have a list of stuff I could get D, but this week's budget envelope only squeezes so far.
The reason I almost forgot is we're spending so much time on his golf scramble. I bought the t-shirts last night and have to print out the logos tonight. And get the prizes, beer and liquor. And clean the house! yikes!
Got an email today from a friend who is forwarding me a design job. Could make a nice bit of cash from it. Hope it works out into more over time. I could really use it right now. Again, this budget thing is hard. huh, huh... I said hard.
My brother just bought a MIATA. Lord. Even he said it's a 45 mid-life crisis. As long as he doens't join one of those stupid Miata clubs.
Sandra Bullock got married. yay for her. She seems like one female star that would actually make a nice friend, be a normal, nice person.
Almost done with Harry Potter. You can just feel something bad is going to happen soon. I hate it when I can see I've only got about a half inch left to read and it's getting good.
Had to take a client's photo this morning. I still need batteries for my camera, so I used the small digital from work. He saw it and said "uh, don't you have lights and stuff? We could use my camera, it cost 2 grand...". No idiot, you're going to be on a billboard, not the cover of Forbes. This will suffice.
The reason I almost forgot is we're spending so much time on his golf scramble. I bought the t-shirts last night and have to print out the logos tonight. And get the prizes, beer and liquor. And clean the house! yikes!
Got an email today from a friend who is forwarding me a design job. Could make a nice bit of cash from it. Hope it works out into more over time. I could really use it right now. Again, this budget thing is hard. huh, huh... I said hard.
My brother just bought a MIATA. Lord. Even he said it's a 45 mid-life crisis. As long as he doens't join one of those stupid Miata clubs.
Sandra Bullock got married. yay for her. She seems like one female star that would actually make a nice friend, be a normal, nice person.
Almost done with Harry Potter. You can just feel something bad is going to happen soon. I hate it when I can see I've only got about a half inch left to read and it's getting good.
Had to take a client's photo this morning. I still need batteries for my camera, so I used the small digital from work. He saw it and said "uh, don't you have lights and stuff? We could use my camera, it cost 2 grand...". No idiot, you're going to be on a billboard, not the cover of Forbes. This will suffice.
Monday, July 18, 2005
A week's gone by and only just now getting to write.
We had a really nice time at the shore. This was officially the year I bought into the whole "Jersey Shore" experience. Having grown up going to Myrtle Beach, the Jersey Shore is completely different experience. The boardwalk running the length of the beach as far as you can see...beach tags...more hairy men with big gold chains and jewelry than you thought possible...being surrounded by NY accents...the Heights at night with all the rides and games...skeeball - I love it and I'd never heard of it! The area we stay at is a very bedroom beach community. So quiet, with bakeries, restaruants, beer stores, etc that you can walk to easily. Had a great time with Dan's family as well. Hated to leave when we did.
Other things going on in life...
Stopped my truck on the way to work in our 'hood to get out and help a Box Turtle across the road so he didn't get smushed. Cute little critter. A not so-cute little critter would be the hopefully-soon-to-be-dead racoons that dug out all my potted flowers while we were gone. All of them ruined. We bought a trap. Fing little rabies breaders.
Our garden went crazy while we were away. I've picked 6-7 big bowls of lettuce so far. Cuc's are growing crazy, as are the pumpkins, zuch's, watermellon and tomatos. Peppers, bean, peas and strawberries are very slow. But the garden looks great. Even better than I had hoped. Dan built me a trelis for the squash to grow up. He used branches so it looks rustic. I think I'd like one by the house now.
Our lawn tractor is officially dead. Dan's started looking for a new one. We need a bigger one so we don't kill the motor with all the use it gets. Dan just drools at the huge models when we go looking. We have no use for a back-hoe, but he'd loved to find an excuse to buy one.
I bought the new Harry Potter Saturday. I've only got a quarter left to read. So far it's been great. I think adults will like it more than kids though. Lots more relationship stuff in this one, but still as dark as the last one. And 200 pages shorter then "Order of the Phoenix".
The 2nd Annual DannOpen is this coming Saturday. We've got 11 guys coming to play in it. This started out as a surprise for Dan last year, but we want to keep it going and build on it every year. This year we're still doing shirts, but we want to add a few prizes as well.
Work's been fine. Sounds like we're going to be even busier next year and I might get to hire an assistant.
That's it for an update. Hopefully post some pics later this week.
We had a really nice time at the shore. This was officially the year I bought into the whole "Jersey Shore" experience. Having grown up going to Myrtle Beach, the Jersey Shore is completely different experience. The boardwalk running the length of the beach as far as you can see...beach tags...more hairy men with big gold chains and jewelry than you thought possible...being surrounded by NY accents...the Heights at night with all the rides and games...skeeball - I love it and I'd never heard of it! The area we stay at is a very bedroom beach community. So quiet, with bakeries, restaruants, beer stores, etc that you can walk to easily. Had a great time with Dan's family as well. Hated to leave when we did.
Other things going on in life...
Stopped my truck on the way to work in our 'hood to get out and help a Box Turtle across the road so he didn't get smushed. Cute little critter. A not so-cute little critter would be the hopefully-soon-to-be-dead racoons that dug out all my potted flowers while we were gone. All of them ruined. We bought a trap. Fing little rabies breaders.
Our garden went crazy while we were away. I've picked 6-7 big bowls of lettuce so far. Cuc's are growing crazy, as are the pumpkins, zuch's, watermellon and tomatos. Peppers, bean, peas and strawberries are very slow. But the garden looks great. Even better than I had hoped. Dan built me a trelis for the squash to grow up. He used branches so it looks rustic. I think I'd like one by the house now.
Our lawn tractor is officially dead. Dan's started looking for a new one. We need a bigger one so we don't kill the motor with all the use it gets. Dan just drools at the huge models when we go looking. We have no use for a back-hoe, but he'd loved to find an excuse to buy one.
I bought the new Harry Potter Saturday. I've only got a quarter left to read. So far it's been great. I think adults will like it more than kids though. Lots more relationship stuff in this one, but still as dark as the last one. And 200 pages shorter then "Order of the Phoenix".
The 2nd Annual DannOpen is this coming Saturday. We've got 11 guys coming to play in it. This started out as a surprise for Dan last year, but we want to keep it going and build on it every year. This year we're still doing shirts, but we want to add a few prizes as well.
Work's been fine. Sounds like we're going to be even busier next year and I might get to hire an assistant.
That's it for an update. Hopefully post some pics later this week.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Saturday Limbo
Saturday Morning, sitting here at my In-laws computer, basically whiling away some time. Proofed a few work jobs online, checked email, and read a bit more about the London bombings. Feel so bad about that. After Madrid last year, and now this, it's almost like next year will be Paris, or Berlin or Montreal. I read an acount from a lady that lived through the time of the IRA bombing's. She said there wasn't near the amount of media coverage, and that it seems to add to the hyteria if not create more. Probably. Still horrible no matter what. Especially the poor people who haven't heard from family members. It also seems inevitable that US rails will be targeted. The system in DC had cops all over it for a few days after Sept 11, then nothing.
"the perpatrators are either at large in the UK, at large abroad, or they're dead". Massively observant statement from member of the government at a press statement. I hate it when they say stupidly obvious crap like this. Just once I'd like to hear them say as of yet we have no idea, and fuck those bastards for doing it.
enough about that
At some point today we're heading to the shore for a big family birthday party at his Uncle's beach house. Easily 30 family members will be there with lots of kids. People will be stacked like wood on the floor to sleep, as it's a cottage and not a huge beach house. D's pretty wishy-washy about whether we're staying or coming back to his parents, then going back down. It's driving me nuts. I wish we'd just brought the tent to camp out in the yard. Other than the sleeping issue, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing all the family. His cousins are awesome. They all have great kids and for me - basically an only child - it's great to be around a big, loud, rowdy family.
Next year I want to rent a condo at Myrtle Beach and take my parents. (My brother and his family will never come up, god forbid they step in ocean water that isn't crystal clear..."why would we come all the way up there to go to the beach when we live in Florida"...because it's where Mom and dad love the beach and feel comfortable you ass.) So it would just be the fourof us. Unless maybe G&G could come. They've kind of become the closest thing to a brother and sister for me.
Well, enough rambling. I've now wasted enough time that it's my turn for the shower. Then head to the beach - I mean shore!!
"the perpatrators are either at large in the UK, at large abroad, or they're dead". Massively observant statement from member of the government at a press statement. I hate it when they say stupidly obvious crap like this. Just once I'd like to hear them say as of yet we have no idea, and fuck those bastards for doing it.
enough about that
At some point today we're heading to the shore for a big family birthday party at his Uncle's beach house. Easily 30 family members will be there with lots of kids. People will be stacked like wood on the floor to sleep, as it's a cottage and not a huge beach house. D's pretty wishy-washy about whether we're staying or coming back to his parents, then going back down. It's driving me nuts. I wish we'd just brought the tent to camp out in the yard. Other than the sleeping issue, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing all the family. His cousins are awesome. They all have great kids and for me - basically an only child - it's great to be around a big, loud, rowdy family.
Next year I want to rent a condo at Myrtle Beach and take my parents. (My brother and his family will never come up, god forbid they step in ocean water that isn't crystal clear..."why would we come all the way up there to go to the beach when we live in Florida"...because it's where Mom and dad love the beach and feel comfortable you ass.) So it would just be the fourof us. Unless maybe G&G could come. They've kind of become the closest thing to a brother and sister for me.
Well, enough rambling. I've now wasted enough time that it's my turn for the shower. Then head to the beach - I mean shore!!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Fourth of July Weekend:
• getting to ride a bit
• went swimming
• great weather
• Fireworks at Oglebay, walking around in the park at night
• laughing a lot all weekend with Danno
• 2 parties Saturday night
• watched Dennis Quaid w/out a shirt in "Flight of the Phoenix"
• listened to Live 8 (too nice outside to watch TV all day)
• Wheeling's fireworks - cascades fireworks off bridge was great!
• people watching during above fireworks, oh humanity
• taking my mom with us, she really enjoyed it, good for her to get out
• found out we're going to the beach next week!
• didn't get to layout enough
• didn't get all of the things on my 'to do' list done
• being thrown from a horse/landed flat on my back
• the general shitty attitude/condescension at the stables
• that I could give two shits if I ever went back there
• getting to ride a bit
• went swimming
• great weather
• Fireworks at Oglebay, walking around in the park at night
• laughing a lot all weekend with Danno
• 2 parties Saturday night
• watched Dennis Quaid w/out a shirt in "Flight of the Phoenix"
• listened to Live 8 (too nice outside to watch TV all day)
• Wheeling's fireworks - cascades fireworks off bridge was great!
• people watching during above fireworks, oh humanity
• taking my mom with us, she really enjoyed it, good for her to get out
• found out we're going to the beach next week!
• didn't get to layout enough
• didn't get all of the things on my 'to do' list done
• being thrown from a horse/landed flat on my back
• the general shitty attitude/condescension at the stables
• that I could give two shits if I ever went back there