Manual Labor
Plan on having a great weekend with them all here to visit. Lots of things planned, day at the park/pool, golf, hikes, movies, cook-outs, drinking.Been getting a lot of emails from my girlfriends in DC and GB. We'd gotten out of touch, so it's good to be in communication again. Meanwhile another gf is way down on herself lately and I need to make her quickly arriving b-day a big deal to lift her spirits.
Got another financial kick in the teeth. Grape-Ape needed a check-up, snotty cold and a mild rash that hasn't gone away. $225 worth of testing later, find out we might be looking at having to treat her for Cushings Disease. Which may or may not be caused by the Pred we have to keep her on because of her larger underlying illness, which is still in remission, thank god. At least she's really happy and full of energy, never know she might be ill. I seriously don't think we exagerate when we say she's a $10,000 dog.No posts til Monday, maybe pics of the weekend to come.