Family Trip To NYC
Our NJ Transit train came into Penn Station below Madison Sq. Garden. We walked all the way up to the Plaza hotel near Central park. It took 2 hours I think? We walked past the Library, I love that building. Also all the department stores had their windows decorated and most had velvet rope lines along them for people to line up to walk by. We didn't but you could still see a lot just walking by with the crowd. Macy's, Sax and Lord & Taylor.
I just loved being out among people. I love our house on the ridge in the woods, but I couldn't be a hermit or crazy recluse. I need to get out and see what's going on. Just people watching. People wear the craziest things. I like the little old ladies that seem to be incredibly wealthy but wear the really huge, thick plastic rimmed glasses like Harry Carry. Or the lady that rode by on her bike - def pushing 70 some yrs old, with a little dog in her basket, fully dressed - including hat and glasses. (The dog I mean)
Rockefeller plaza was beautiful but shoulder to shoulder packed with people. We just wanted to get out of there. Walked on, saw all the shops, tons of people. We were going to go into St. Patricks Cathedral but there was a line. I didn't know it but it was the church for the school D's mom went to. (I married into an Irish Catholic family) It's such a famous church, I thought it was neat that she has a history with it. Sometimes it feels like my history grows volumes in a second by learning things like that. Knowing my kids will have that history, not just the stories I know from my family.
And one we went to Trump Tower. Packed withe people. Very shiny. Very gold. Fun to see what's on TV though. We walked in thru the lower level, and went up and down the escalator, back out the door. Oh- D's Niece had here pic taken with the doorman. HUGE big guy, looks very stern - nicest man. Let all the kids have their picture taken with him. I think he's actually the guy working the door during "the Apprentice".
Took the Subway into SoHo to meet the older brother for dinner. Ate at a small little basic restaurant. Other than dinner I ordered a $6 Rolling Rock. Ok - not just the fact that they have RR - but the fact that 1) it's $1.25 back home at a bar 2) it's considered cheap college beer 3) they act like it's a posh import cuz it's from the sticks of Pa (?!) One last thing before I have to go out to the garage and help move something around for D's parents (we're still here on holiday) - on the subway back to Penn Station a chic got on our train,beggin for money for her two kids. Annoying, but not unusual. As soon as we get off, she starts running around screaming how she's going to chop off her mother's head and throw her in the river. Over and over again. Wow. D's niece and nephew - 7 and 3 - their eyes were huge - like what the heck is going on. Their mom's gonna have to explain that one for a while I think. Ok. Need to go help. Tomorrow we're off to a cabin somewhere in Pa to meet our friends for NY.
Happy New Year to everyone!